
Welcome to the Chuck Schumacher Aviation Airpark.  Our open air Airpark has an array of civilian and military displays.    

The Airpark is a hands-on museum where we encourage visitors to touch and feel many of our displays.  For example, we allow visitors to sit inside our Huey helicopter for photo opportunities.  Kids love playing with all the dials and switches in our B52 engine testing trailer. 

Many of the displays have a local association, such as  the F-4 Phantom dedicated to Jack “Fingers” Ensch and his pilot, “Mugs” McKeown.   The team shot down two MIGs in one “dog fight” during the Vietnam War in May, 1972.

“Fingers” grew up in Springfield IL, graduated from Illinois State University and was a POW during the Vietnam War.  Jack was awarded the Navy Cross and served as “Mug’s” Executive Officer at Top Gun.

Following is a pictorial display with links to each display that provides detailed information, interactive hot spots (Virtual Tour) and videos of interest.   We encourage visitors to review the information prior to visiting, during an on-site walk-around and after visiting the airpark.   QR codes are provided for many of the displays during your on-site visit.